best commissionMáte rádi naåe produkty? Chcete je nabízet na svých webových stránkách a vydělat nějaké peníze ?

Připojte se k affiliate programu!
Pokud jeåtě nemáte affiliate účet u Avangate nebo RegNow nebojte se a vytvořte si jej, přihláåení se proces registrace je velmi snadný.
  • Registrujte se u Avangate (doporučeno)
*Aby jste se stal úspěåným affiliate, nepotřebujete žádné speciální dovednosti, dokonce ani nemusíte vlastnit webové stránky. Můžete použít blog, Facebook účet, Adwords, články, fóra, atd pro umístění odkazů na naåe webové stránky, a doporučit naåe produkty. Stačí přidat svůj affiliate ID do odkazů a získáze provize z každého zakoupeného produktu!

Upřesněte váå platební systém: and your ID:
Možnosti sledování (nepovinné):

* Komise 100% zaručené!
Odkazy na stažení nabízejí pobočky bezpečnostní dostat provizi z jejich prodeje, protože nejen váå partnerský ID je umístěn v prohlížeči uživatele, ale také v tlačítko Koupit žádosti. To zajiåťuje, že dostanete provizi i v případě, že klient používá jiný prohlížeč než on původně stáhnout aplikaci s.

Default commission is 30% but if you do the following your commission can be as high as 50% or even 55%.

From 30% you can increase your commission with this list of bonus:
- Share a direct email contact with VSO (write to affiliate (at) ) +5 %
- Provide your contact info of the MSN / Yahoo / Skype messenger account you are regularly connected to +5%
- Use our custom links (see link generator ) +5%
- Promote a VSO product on your homepage +5%
= 50% commission

If you sell more than 100 copies per month we will increase your commission by +5%

We would like to offer the best relationship, tips, additional material and communication between publishers and affiliates, whether you prefer a personalized cash payout, custom coupon for your visitors, guides, etc. We can help you only if you ask for it: affiliate (at)

What's next? You can use the PAD files (for more information about PAD click here)

  Product PAD URL
dvd converter DVD Converter
Blindwrite software to copy data or audio or games CD or DVD Blindwrite
CopyTo burn audio data movies pictures and video to CD and DVD CopyTo
PhotoDVD create slideshow from photos to a CD or DVD PhotoDVD
ConvertXtoDVD convert and burn AVI to DVD VSO ConvertXtoDVD
(formerly DivxtoDVD)
blu-ray converter Blu-ray Converter Ultimate
free avchd editor AVCHD Editor
free video downloader VSO Downloader
free bluray player VSO Media Player
  VSO Free Mkv Webm Converter

Ressources for affiliates

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ):

- How much does it cost to become an Affiliate?
Signing-up as an affiliate is free of charge. No setup fee, no start up cost, no hidden performance targets to reach!

- I'm not interested by an affiliate program, I would prefer to resell your products. What do you suggest?
It is possible, you can use a direct connection with our key generator, contact us first for further details.

- When am I paid?
You are paid from Avangate or RegNow (the affiliate program you are using). You can set up your payment schedule in each platform. A minimum month target of 100 EURO in Avangate / 100 USD for RegNow has to be reached, otherwise the value of the commission will be reported for the following month.

- How can I add addtional tracking to know where my sales are coming from?
Use the tracking option in the link generator, for Avangate order this translates to your 'AFFSRC' and in RegNow your 'linkid'.

- Can I use coupons, where do I get them?
Yes you can offer coupon discounts on our products to your users. In both Avangate and RegNow you can create your own discount coupon offers. From time to time VSO has coupons available to the public and available to affiliates, these coupons are generally only valid for a limited time.

- How long are the cookies life?
Cookies are valid for 100 days.

- Can I use VSO banners and product description on my website?
Yes, you can use the text, images, and banners from the VSO Web site on your own website with the sole purpose of promoting VSO products.


Email us if you need help or assistance. Please include your MSN or Skype contact to speed up the assistance and get better commission.
Any affiliate promoting VSO products agrees to abide by the following policies. Any affilite breaking any clause of this agreement will have their affiliate account closed.

Affiliates are NOT ALLOWED to:

- Use our brand and product names in paid search engine campaigns.  No words which make illusion to our product brand will be permitted. Example of cases not tolerated: VSO PhotoDVD, VSO converter, ConvertX, etc.

- Use VSO website inside an Iframe.

-Resell our products on ebay or any other bidding-type website

- Own a domain with the brand name of VSO or VSO product names or their abbreviates, miss spellings, etc.  Affiliate must write to VSO for written permission for exceptional cases.

- Use any coupons other than public or your own personally created coupons. In other words you may only use coupons that are displayed in the affiliate Avangate Control Panel or have been communicated to you by newsletter.
VSO official affiliate

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